9 Simple Tips For Successful Emailing: Mass or Personal

No matter whether you are a huge company or just an all in one developer, from time to time all of us face the situation when we have to send a email to group of people, whether these are subscribers, potential customers, sponsors…whatever. When we have to email just one person that seems to be an easy task, but when we have to send something to a group- we usually get stuck. Why is that? When addressing the group of people we always try to make an email that:

a) Will have a very clear and smart subject so that they don’t take us for spammers;
b) Will explain who we are, what we do and why we actually email;
c) Will describe the offer that we have in the best light;
d) Will work for all ( we have to admit that we are lazy enough, say when you have to email 20 companies offering your design services you will make just one email and send it to all)

As a result we make the cliche that will never work for anyone. You compose a perfect machine email.

So what’s the secret of a good email? There are some things that worked out for us during our email campaigns and when sending personal letters, they are pretty simple but they work.

1) Keep your subject line simple.

This is what we can’t prove but this is how people feel. The more simple the subject is, the more chances the email was sent by a human being ( not a spam and not an ad). If you email to the list of people who unsubscribed from your newletter, don’t call is “A survey for unsubscribed”, call it “We want you back”.

2) Keep your subject line short, 37 symbols is a perfect length.

There are about 3-4 words that human eyes can read at a same time while the brain is forming the letters into something that we understand. Let their brain focus on this 3 important words rather than receive some additional info making this words less significant.

3) Make the email personal.

Even with the standard email it’s easy to make it personal.В  Say you know that the company just got Page Rank 5. Tell them about it.

4) Segment your audience.

Same as number 3 but for the mass send.

5) Think why the company/person you’re emailing to might be interested in your offer?

Never say I need it and I want it. Who cares? Tell them how they can benefit.

6) Try to find the name.

If you are sending an email to the company try to find the name of the person in charge. People love to be known and hearing your own name from a stranger is a sugar.

7) Tell them how great they are.

You have chosen them just because they are so cool and professional, right? Most important here is to be sincere, if you are not, they will smell it.

8) Be persistent.В 

If you didn’t get any response, send a reminder. Ask them to say at least “no” if they are not interested.

If they didn’t open your newsletter, send them a short reminder telling it’s also available online.

9) Send a last call reminder. Focus on timing.

If you have some campaign running, send them a last call reminder. When you feel that you can miss something in a very short period of time, you are more willing to get it. Don’t allow them forget about it.

Email Newsletter Templates

Etate – Multipurpose Construction Responsive Email Newsletter Template

Etate - Multipurpose Construction Responsive Email Newsletter Template.

White Mails – 16+ Unique Multi Purpose Newsletter Template

White Mails - 16+ Unique Multi Purpose Newsletter Template.

Fitness – Multipurpose Fitness and Gym Email Template Responsive

Fitness – Multipurpose Fitness and Gym Email Template Responsive.

Events – Multipurpose Responsive Email Newsletter Template

Events – Multipurpose Responsive Email Newsletter Template.
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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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