31 Russian websites that can inspire you

Today I would like to present you a collection of 31 Russian websites that can inspire you. For a long time during 1990s the countries of the former USSR were excluded from WWW world and it’s only lately that a separate community has been formed named Runet. All the designs have their special touch. The distinctive feature of every Russian design is its uniqueness. There are no standards, no precise definition of the styles and what’s most interesting- there are not many websites yet, so for every project there’s place for creativity.

Rupasov Igor Portfolio

What The Fuck Kokos


Tarazaurus Rex

Roman Shmidt Photography

Studio n3



Zunge Design


Mooqla Doll

Mary Jane portal


MoreVision Studio

Kursenko Design


Design By Louist

ManWorks Design

Evgeny Kiselev. Read interview with Evgeny Kiselev on DesignFloat.


Department Studio

World of Funny Monsters

Design Collector

GCP Design


Irina Filatova

Design War Stuido


Andrey Nep




Creative People Design Agency

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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