10 Steps to Improve Your Joomla eCommerce Store

This is for those who have an e-store and are looking for ways in which they can increase the turnover of their stores and online sales etc. the internet is the largest market place that there is in the world, it is a bigger and better place to do business than any other place or even the best marketplaces in the world. Every day the number of people using online shopping options is increasing, and every day the amounts of transactions that are taking place are also increasing. It makes good business sense to get in there and make some money while it is still a growing phenomenon, even regular businesses have online shopping facilities, and they recognize the potential and also the trends of the future.

Here we will discuss some of the ways in which you can increase the amount of sales that you have online.

1. UPS: this stands for up selling points, and you need to understand what your UPS are. They need to be something that you are offering the customer which they simply can’t get from the next site that they visit. There is the 50 year old tradition of highlighting the SALE with 50% off etc and that is the oldest trick in the book which has quite frankly been run into the ground. Make sure that your UPS are all good and that they are all also creative think beyond and further than your competitors.

2. Having a pretty and pleasing site counts. Believe it or not, a simple thing like the color combination of your site has a huge effect on visitors to your site. There are some sites whose appearance appears to be harsh and they inevitably get a lot less people sticking around on them. So ensure as far as possible to ensure that your site reminds people of pleasant things and gives them that feel good factor. The more time they spend on your site the more likely they are to purchase something from it.

3. Ease of navigation is something that a lot of people simply do not understand. What do you do when you visit a site to find something on, you look for it. What happens when you really have to search for it? You leave the site and go looking on another site, make sure this is not the case with your site. Make everything easy to find, this is more important than I can emphasize on all day long. Ideally if someone is looking for something they should be able to find it in 3 clicks of the mouse.

4. Update your site, there are sites that we all visited in the past and stopped visiting, because there was nothing happening on them, and as a result there was nothing to see. Then we encountered new sites and forgot all about those old sites, whether they update now or not is irrelevant. Don’t let that be your site.

5. Be dependable, nothing like purchasing from a site that actually sells what it advertises. Everyone has had those experiences of making purchases from sites that either deliver poor quality products, or worse things are never available. Avoid doing this, focus on what you have and market it, update stuff that is not available off the site and put it back when it is available, make sure everyone knows what is happening.

6. Make sure that your site is visible, for very quick results simply use pay per click advertising and this will ensure that you get a lot of traffic to your website.

7. Social media is a great place to spread the word, there are those who over do everything. However what you need to understand is that if you get your social media correct you will get a lot of traffic to your site from there.

8. Keep payment options open for your clients, there are times when people simply purchase from one site and not the other due to a lack of payment options that were available there.

9. When it comes to advertising on the internet, remember there is nothing like blogging and putting a lot of information out there for those that are looking for it. There are times when clients are unable to find what they are looking for simply because the seller hasn’t written about it at all.

10. Analytics is important; you need to know what works and what doesn’t. So ensure that you got all that in place. Armed with the correct data you can make correct decisions about what to do and what not to do.

About the Author: Paul, a content developer loves to write on web technology and marketing trends. He works with RushEssay as a content marketing consultant.

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