10 Reasons to Upgrade to Dynamics CRM 2013

We all know that Microsoft Dynamics CRM enables businesses to manage customers whilst automating their sales processes. Dynamics CRM also helps in identifying the customer’s buying trends and building rapport with potential customers. For years, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has upgraded to become better and more effective. The most recent release of Dynamics CRM was out in the month of October 2013 which is named as Dynamics CRM 2013.

Dynamics CRM 2013 features tons of enhancements. It has been made more suitable for enterprise-level organizations requiring huge database customization. It is also made more effective for the businesses who want to be up and running with their CRM within a couple of days. It’s more sensational in that, it has undergone huge enhancements on the UI front and has become more compatible to ever-changing business requirements.
However, we see companies are still stuck with their old Dynamics CRM and are far from realizing the wonders of this compelling Dynamics CRM 2013. If you want to find more strong reasons to go for it, here are top 10 reasons that definitely make sense to go for upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013:

  • Consistent Mobile Experience: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 has been optimized for all mobile devices in that it has introduced applications for iPad, Android, Tablets, etc.; which enables the workforce to work offsite with increased collaboration.
  • Business Logic: This new wizard will enable the business users to specify business rules or logic that will empower them to figure-out fields and perform basic data validation logic over the field. It will simplify for the non-technical users to create business logic on the go including hiding and showing fields, enabling or disabling fields.
  • Quick Forms: Dynamics CRM 2013 has introduced Quick Forms which allow users to create multiple account forms with fields and insert them onto the contact form with greater flexibility and speed.
  • Synchronous Workflow: This is one of the major improvements that will help CRM consultants to perform a lot of tasks via standard workflow. Till now, the users were using JavaScript or a .NET plugin if they wish to perform certain things to happen in sync. However, with synchronous workflow, now it would be easy for the users to perform things in sync.
  • Social Pane & Social Insight: Dynamics CRM has replaced Record Wall with Social Pane which allows users to view and create social posts right on the record. In addition, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 has also brought integration with other Microsoft social and collaboration tools like Lync, Skype, Yammer and so on. It has also introduced a new real-time data capturing feature called Social Insights. So, now the users can leverage from better social media insights and collaboration capabilities to perform various business activities.
  • Auto Save: Dynamics CRM 2013 has also introduced an Auto Save feature which automatically saves records as you edit them every 30 seconds. This helps users reduce clicks and chances of losing the latest changes in-case a user forgets to save records manually.
  • Command Bar: Microsoft has replaced its old ribbon-like navigation to a touch-friendly and mouse-friendly command bar. The command bar includes buttons relevant to commands which a user can select to perform functions and view additional options.
  • Access Teams: Microsoft has also introduced flexible collaboration feature called Access Team, which enables groups of members to achieve tasks collaboratively.
  • Outlook & Exchange Server Side Sync: With new Dynamics CRM, users can sync and track their outlook items through Outlook Web Access and Exchange Server. This empowers them to centralize the mailing and messaging activities with a new synchronized profile.
  • Improved UI & UX: The user experience has the prime focus of Microsoft and it has left no stone unturned to make it engaging and easy to use for the users. Now users can leverage from a single window navigation experience, navigation history, collapsing the activity wall, feeds and notes and more. The navigation has been simplified too!

These are just a few noticeable reasons/features that definitely make sense for the businesses to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. What’s your take? Do you have more points to share? Share it in the comments…!

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Author Bio:
Dax is an online marketing professional working with Cygnet InfoTech, an enterprise IT solutions and services provider. He holds a deep passion for IT and loves to read and share hip and happening updates about Microsoft SharePoint, Dynamics CRM and ERP. For any queries or questions related to SharePoint development, CRM customization or ERP implementation, consult him on Twitter @ITDax and you will be smitten by his unique and powerful strategies.

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