10 Most Attractive Female Characters from Cartoons

Do you love cartoons? We are sure you do. It is one of the best parts of our childhood – just watching “Transformers” or some crazy TV series from Nickelodeon for countless hours. Of course everyone has their own favorite characters and episodes. Our collection mostly consists of those good old legendary cartoons from the period of early 80’s to present time. Some of these beautiful girls (well, they’re not all actually girls but still we love them all) remind us of those good old days when the cartoons were made in a traditional way. Of course today’s 3D animation is really spectacular and well-performed but sometimes we miss that spirit of hand-drawn elegance and charm.

Below you’ll find our version of the top ten female characters from famous cartoons. We understand that tastes differ and will be glad to hear your variant of this list. These cartoons were the role models for many kids from all over the world and still are. So enjoy this list and maybe you’ll find your favorite one here.

Jessica Rabbit from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”

Tinkerbell from “Peter Pen”

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Leela from “Futurama”

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April O’Neal from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”

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Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”

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Daphne Blake from “Scooby-Doo”

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Gadget from “Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers”

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Janine Melnitz from “The Real Ghostbusters”

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Jasmine from “Aladdin”

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Rebecca from “TaleSpin”

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Written by

Allison Reed

Allison is a professional SEO specialist and an inspired author. Marketing manager by day and a writer by night, she is creating many articles on business, marketing, design, and web development. Follow her on LinkedIn and Facebook.


  • anonymous
    April 14, 2010

    This list is terrible.

  • HEY!
    April 14, 2010

    It’s Peter Pan not Peter “Pen”. Stay frosty.

  • Aye Non Imus
    April 15, 2010

    I would totally replace Janine from Ghostbusters with Cheetara from Thundercats.

  • Hermitbiker
    April 16, 2010

    …. hmmmm, I recognize 2 maybe 3 of these characters !! hmmmm, maybe I’ll try to make a list from my childhood…. the 50’s !! 🙂

  • Bill Olsen
    April 26, 2010

    Betty Rubble

  • jesus christ
    June 4, 2011

    whoever would replace janine with a thundercat is a fucking bonkers lunatic man

    at least replace the bear or the mouse first, jesus christ

    although yeah i admit i did like that mouse

    oh god i feel so ashamed for acknowledging that

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